Tag Archives: forever


We seem to overlook this word. Forever. It doesn’t really carry much weight in society today; “best friends forever,” or “we’ll be together forever, babe.” We use it to imply that we will have feelings towards one another for a long time. However, this rendition of the word is completely different than the biblical version of forever. The word forever appears 309 times in the HCSB translation of the Bible, and I can promise you that that word means something much different and more significant than what we make it out to mean in everyday use.  This is how google defines the word forever:



  1. For all future time; for always.
  2. A very long time (used hyperbolically).

For all future time.  Even that doesn’t seem to capture the essence of the fact that God is with us FOREVER. Not until He is sick of you and moves on, not until we decide we get angry with Him, not until anything: FOREVER. It not something our linear minds can comprehend.  I mean we can’t even comprehend the way that time works, let alone what forever truly means.

Last night at Community group, someone prayed: Jesus thank you that we are FOREVER yours, and you are FOREVER ours.  I got chills down my spine at this small yet huge prayer.  Jesus, I am forever yours. Not, “Jesus, I am yours as long as you keep blessing me financially” or “Jesus, I am yours as long as you keep me healthy,” or “Jesus, I am yours as long as you keep this man or woman in my life.” No, we are His forever, through thick and thin, through trials and hardships, through times of prosperity and blessing.  And even past our lifetime here on earth! Once we die, we will be taken up to be with God, just simply dwelling in His presence rejoicing in His glory forever.

I don’t know about you guys, but this idea is rocking my mind right now. I am Yours FOREVER, Jesus, FOREVER.

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